You can buy one or both of the products offered by our website. Check below what each one offers, as well as their costs.
The result of the Tri-intersectional Leadership by Values Model (TLVM) for Teams and
Organizations comprises:
- Your TLVM adjusted to your Strategic Focus;
- Group’s TLVM (TLVM aggregate of group members);
- Group’s adjusted TLVM (TLVM adjusted by group members).
Price: R$35,00 per person
The result of the Septagram of Innovative Leaders´ Assessment comprises:
- Self-Assessment;
- Group Assessment (average of your assessment by the group members);
- Excellence Benchmark (position of the highest rated in the group);
- Development Actions on the 7 Mindsets of Innovative Leaders in order of
Price:: R$35,00 per person
Add to the following Group Data the Name and Email of the Responsable for the Purchase Order just if she/he is a group member.