Tri-Intersectional Model of Leadership by Values (TMLV) Assessment

Assessment for Teams and Organization

Purchase Order

You can buy one or both of the products offered by our website. Check below what each one offers, as well as their costs.

The result of the Tri-intersectional Leadership by Values Model (TLVM) for Teams and Organizations comprises:

  • Your TLVM adjusted to your Strategic Focus;
  • Group’s TLVM (TLVM aggregate of group members);
  • Group’s adjusted TLVM (TLVM adjusted by group members).

Price: R$35,00 per person

The result of the Septagram of Innovative Leaders´ Assessment comprises:

  • Self-Assessment;
  • Group Assessment (average of your assessment by the group members);
  • Excellence Benchmark (position of the highest rated in the group);
  • Development Actions on the 7 Mindsets of Innovative Leaders in order of criticality.

Price:: R$35,00 per person

Tri-intersectional Leadership by Values Model
Septagram of Innovative Leaders´ Assessment

Responsible for the Purchase Order :

Add to the following Group Data the Name and Email of the Responsable for the Purchase Order just if she/he is a group member.

Group data:


Data for service payment:
Name: JBBC Consultoria Empresarial Ltda
CGC: 06119563/0001-80
Bank: 033 Santander – Brazil – Branch 3063 – Account 13003717-7
IBAN: BR0790400888030630130037178C1

Data for service payment :

Nota: Assessments for Teams and Organizations will be will be processed after the Purchase Order payment.

Clicking Submit you confirm your Purchase Order

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