Prof. dr. João Brillo, Coaching for Sustainable Innovation

PhD and Master of Science in Production Engineering at COPPE / UFRJ, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Postdoctoral fellow focusing on Innovation, ESADE Business School, Ramon Llul University, Barcelona. Certified Coach at Gestion MDS Management Inc, Montreal, Canada. Professor of Leadership and Management at Ibmec Business School, Brazil. Partner and Consultant in Business Management at JBBC Consultoria Empresarial, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Ex-member of EU-InnovatE, one of the world’s largest social science research projects linked to sustainable innovation. Executive career developed at Shell and Suzano, having worked in the areas of Human Resources, Logistics, Accounting, Economic Planning, Finance and Marketing. Author of the books Liderança e Cultura Organizacional para Inovação (Saraiva, 2018), Liderança Educadora (Saraiva/Expressa, 2020), and Sustainable Innovation – Chapter 10 Shaping sustainable innovation based on cultural values – (Routledge, 2021).

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