Septagram Model of Innovative Leaders (SMIL) Assessment
The concepts of the Septagram of Innovative Leader’s Assessment are presented in the book Liderança e Cultura Organizacional para Inovação (Leadership and Organizational Culture), in which Professors João Brillo and Jaap Boonstra reveal how successful organizations implement innovation and what sets of skills and mindsets innovative leaders have in common.
Who are the leading champions for innovation? It’s not just top and mid-level managers. Professionals and specialists also frequently assume leadership roles in these processes. In all cases, they are people who follow their ambition and genuinely feel that things can be done differently and better. They believe that making an effort to change is worthwhile and they are prepared to take risks.
Successful leaders of organizational innovation work on innovation processes from a position of commitment and personal motivation. The authors present following the 7 fundamental mindsets of these innovation champions.
Using these following assesssments you can discover your strengths and weaknesses to be developed in the 7 Mindsets of the ISMIL.
Septagram of Innovative Leaders’ Assessment – Free Individual Format
The result of this assessment comprises:
- Self-Assessment;
- Website Database Average comparison;
- Website Database Excellence Benchmark comparison;
- Get free the Action to Develop your most critical Mindset of Innovative Leaders.
Septagram of Innovative Leaders’ Assessment – Format for Groups and Organizations
Because this assessment format brings the perception of others about your behavior in your day to day work, it can contribute more effectively to your development in the 7 Mindsets of Innovative Leaders. The result of this assessment comprises:
- Self-Assessment;
- Group Database;
- Group Assessment (average of your assessment by the group members);
- Excellence Benchmark (position of the highest rated in the group);
- Actions to Develop all 7 Mindsets of the ISMIL.