Tri-intersectional Model of Leadership by Values (TMLV) Assessment
The Tri-intersectional Leadership by Values Assessment is based on the Tri-Intersectional Model of Leadership by Values (TMLV), it is an extension and elaboration of the models: Extracting Configuration of Values (Fernández-i-Marin, 2019), Management by Sustainable Innovational Values MSIV (Brillo et al, 2015), and the books Management by Values (Dolan et al, 2006) and Coaching by Values(Dolan, 2011). The MSIV model is also presented in Chapter 2 of the book Liderança e Cultura Organizacional para Inovação (Leadership and Organizational Culture for Innovation, João Brillo and Jaap Boonstra, 2018. The TMLV following presented has three strategic focuses: Innovation—intersection between the economic-pragmatic values axis and the emotional-development values axis—, which allows them to develop sustainable innovations; Survival—intersection between the economic-pragmatic values axis and the ethical-social values axis—, which enhances their organization’s survival; and Sensitivity—intersection between the economic-pragmatic values axis and the ethical-social values axis—, which makes them more humane and more socially-responsible.
Tri-Intersectional Model of Leadership by Values (TMLV)
Using this following assessments you can discover your Tri-intersectional Model of Leadership by Values (TMLV), can adjust it according to the Strategic Focus you choose, and can also build your Strategic Map to make sense of your values and put them into action.
Tri-intersectional Model of Leadership by Values (TMLV) Assessment – Free Individual Format
The result of this assessment comprises:
- Your TMLV compared to the Site Database;
- Your TMLV adjusted to your Strategic Focus compared to the Site Database.
Tri-intersectional Model of Leadership by Values (TMLV) Assessment – Format for Groups and Organizations
The result of the Tri-intersectional Model of Leadership by Values (TMLV) for Teams and Organizations comprises:
- Your TMLV;
- Your TMLV adjusted to your Strategic Focus;
- Group’s TMLV (TMLV aggregated of group members);
- Group’s adjusted TMLV (TMLV adjusted by group members).